Meet Jackie Tee…
Always more of a visual thinker and having enjoyed exploring and making art since childhood, it was after a change of direction further along life’s pathway that it finally all fitted together for me becoming a freelance children’s book illustrator; having now worked on nearly 30 books along the way.
I particularly enjoy collaborating with authors to produce the best visuals for their narrative and working with Ric Hart on his children’s books has been a great example of that connection and teamwork which has led to quite a range of creativity, being both fun and yet at times quite poignant as it has been important to include a nod to Jade.
Having just reached the final stages of his third title, ‘Hugo and Daddy’s Superhero Adventures’, it has been another great voyage. I needed to try and capture an older looking Hugo in this book, and it was fun establishing his superhero outfit and surroundings whilst knitting together elements from the earlier book’s illustrations. The dynamic Ric has some very clear visions for his poetry and between us the ideas seem to flow.
Another element to this journey for me has been to embrace technology and transition to working with a tablet and stylus for the first time having previously always worked traditionally with watercolour and acrylics. I am absolutely loving the results and know that this is adding a huge amount to my toolbox.
You can find examples of my work at: www.wonkymouse.com
Instagram #wonkymousejl (a work in progress whilst I continue to evolve !)